Saturday, October 29, 2005

hellos bloggie . . . It's been a long day and I really enjoyed it! I made a new specs today and you can really say I liked it. iLOVEit! Ya, I spent the entire evening chatting Eric, Irene and Randy. I really enjoy chatting with them man.Especially Eric and Irene! So lame, stupid eric. Ha ha. Eric's such a nice guy to talk about . . .He's so humourous and funny! He actually say he wants to woo me man. I don't believe it! Heh heh. I'm a little dipsy dovey tonight. Thanks, eric and irene for cheering me up when I needed one. You people are so nice! And randy, don't feel inferior about yourself okie? And eric, stay nice or I'll castrate you! Oh ya, I told irene my biggest secret!

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