Thursday, October 26, 2006

Somehow, I felt that I needed a change of font. I read a book recently and I thought that it had very nice usage of words and vocabulary. I loved the way the author used literature to bring across her thoughts and ideals. The way the author described actions and thoughts is simply beautiful. I can't help but aspire to be like the writer. I love literature alot. I guess I should have taken literature in the first place. I have the interest at it. Hah. Stupidity is engulfing my brain now.
I hate it man. Why do we have to look back and regret doing so many things we wished we had not done in the past? It's just like how I used to wonder why do people exist when I was just a mere 14 year old girl. Well. Perhaps when I was even younger, I had thought and pondered over that question several times. I had even questioned myself as to why there was hatred and sadness co-existing together. And why couldn't happiness and love inhabit* in the arms of the beholder? I think I have been distracted lately. Urrgh. Be gone with the wind. Take my troubles along.
Sometimes, it feels much better to be alone and liberate rather than having a companion around. I do not know why but I guess this character trait lies beneath my skin and I can't help it. I yearned to be like you.
Oh . By the way, the author of the book is Wei Hui. It's a nice book but kind of 'flashy' for people like myself and my age kind. Hah. See Ya.

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