SALLEH'S 21st!
Hi people! Last week was a really well-spent one! I attended about close to 3 birthday parties and it was my older sister's birthday as well. :DDD I totally enjoyed them all. But of course, with all these parties and birthdays, it came along with a price tag. hahahaha. I am bomb-broken now. hahaha.
So this vacation break has been a rather meaningful one, I would say? The past few had been spent working and working and working at stupid ritz. haha.
Sometimes I wonder what lies ahead for me after graduating from TP. That said, it's not that bleak after all. :D
Bad bad matthew. He played an sms prank on me just now, it kind of shaken me up but still I knew it was a prank afterall. HAHAHA. I'm so smart. hahahaha. I know there are some people in this world who dislikes self-praising and you know who you are. haha.
Michelle's flying away soon. :'( I so don't want to go see her off when she's flying off the very day. Ugh. I guess that's life.
-charlene signing off~
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