Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I need a break, from all the schoolwork. Everything is coming at me and I feel like escaping. I think I'll experience burnout sooner or later. The thing is, everyone else is getting about the same workload. Why do I not have the right attitude and mentality to get past all these?

Yesterday was horrible. The night before, I studied for my lecture quiz yesterday and I really practised alot. But guess what, when I got the paper and actually tried doing it, I could attempt nothing. Nothing. The questions which I had practised so many hours before and seen before, and I couldn't attempt. Right after the paper, I couldn't stand. I couldn't face anything. I left right straight for the toilet to seek comfort after the paper. I had an awful day yesterday and today ain't any better. I really want to just get away from everything.

The going is getting harder and harder each week. I need to be mature and tenacious enough to get through this. I need better time management.

I had napfa last week. 2.4km run was like the run of my life. Anyway, I think I got a Gold for napfa. And I haven't recovered from the sleepless eventful night, napfa, the carnival and the painting of my room. I'm so tired. I need a break. Sigh, me and all my excuses. I have so much work to do man.

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