Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hellos. Today's Hari Raya Haji. Many things have happened since the reopening of school. I will be really very disappointed for Mei xuan if she gives up on netball. She has to get her priorities right first before deciding. Mei Xuan, whenever you need me, I will be there for you to help you get through this. Don't give up on yourself. Aiyo. I keep thinking of what she's going through and I feel like crying too. I really want to help her. Things are getting tougher and tougher for me day by day. Think positively man. There's always light at the end of the tunnel, just got to perseverance till then. I just read Mei xuan's blog earlier and you can really say it dampened my spirits. This is our toughest year and we have got to fight through this. And people in order to win the battle, you have to stay focused. I'm sure you know what staying focused means. I have sacrified several things in order to be focused. And I have many more sacrifices to make. Alrights, I have to go and study already. Me signing off.

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