Thursday, July 10, 2008

I'm so sick now, well not exactly very sick but I'm down with a bad flu and sore throat. Lecture quizzes are around the corner, I have so much to catch up on. My weekends are going to be burnt up because of this. Well, I don't actually have much to blog about. Life has been rather mundane, going to school, attending boring o' lectures and then I'll be back home doing tutorials or wasting my time away. But life wasn't any better when I was in a relationship with someone I didn't love anyway. I am not trying to be arrogant here, please do not misunderstand me.

This might sound abit hilarious and maybe ludicrous. Some guy sent me a message last night telling me that he dreamt that he made out with me at a hotel. haha. I was laughing my ass off after I read the message. But it feels kind of good to think that people fantansize about me. I think I am mad. haha. (: anyway, this guy is attached for goodness sake. Bad boyfriend. He's a good friend of mine.

Ugh. Two more projects to handle before I am done! I wonder how many people visits my blog on the sly and never tags. It's a bit scary isn't it? Here I am writing about my personal stuff and people (some I don't even know), come reading about my life. But isn't the blog used for voicing out loud? haha. How very contradicting. Alright, I got to do research on some stupid project now. Shall update another time. (:

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