Saturday, April 14, 2007

BORING day. I read close to half of a book today. I practically led a maid's all-in-a-day work today, woke up in the morning only to mop the floor and then I had a simple lunch which was my breakfast. And then I spent half the day at the television, thereafter it was BED time! So here am I awake and have nothing at hands to do.

EERIE. watched a documentary about 'spirits talk' in channel 11 of scv. It discussed about whether there was life after death. Then there was this woman whose husband left her because of an illness and she tried ways and means to connect to the spiritual world as a means to know how her husband's doing there. But everything was to no valid. Another example was this man who was strucked by an illness too and was filmed before his death. The whole film saw this man to his grave. It was eerie. hms. I wonder what lies after death?

EXCITED! school's starting and fun's in too! hhaha. I can't wait for school to start! It's so boring to stay at home all day and to hang out some days. At least with school, I get to have a scheduled lifestyle(which is constructive) and also participate in ccas! Perhaps if there was wakeboarding in tp, I might consider taking it up as my cca. (: tee hee.

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