Friday, April 15, 2005

hiezz.... bloggiez... had a pretty stressful day today. Basically, these few days have been rather down for me because of the formulas of a and e maths that i've to stuff into my brain. Also having the teachers rushing through all the chapters just to make it in time for the mid-yr exams. However, school have been rather interesting lately too, because I have Mabel that sweetie-pie who's always keeping me laughing all the way except during lessons. I love the period after Mabel and I have finished our recess and we are both making our way to our classroom. She would always spank my butt if I was to go up first then we'll fight all the way up to our classroom which is at the fourth storey. After that, sweating profusely and all messed up. However, she has been rather evil to me by saying that i'm stupid and slow to me several times this week just because she advanced me in several of the tests. It dampened my spirits and self-esteem, makes me feel like a helpless creature... Dosen't she knows that she's the most important person in school to me, whatever she's going to say will have an impact on me definitely. Just want to let people out there whom have been guiding me, a big thanks to U! I love u all! However, I'm not a perfect person although I tend to be a perfectionists. Then again, this guy ben always never fail to quite cheer me up, haa.. not actually... but i'm hearing the song that he sent me at this moment. Something really weird happened to me just now. Someone who said he was Melvin smsed me and said that he'd liked me for a long time and wants me to stead with him... Then, asked him for his email, it turned out it was Jay Lloyd's and it was Jay who was making fun of me... Such a fool of me... to actually believe what he said. Stupid JayLloyd, gonna make u embarrassed on mon... fool around with my feelings.. idiotic...

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