Thursday, September 01, 2005

hello bloggie . . . I am sorry people, I have not updated you. I have not been very at leisure lately. It has been rather stressful for me recently. I will be having a carnival this sunday and we will be competing with well-known schools. I don't want to say that they're good because no matter how good they are, we will still play against them, intercept their balls and score goals. I know we will do that because I'm sicked of losing out. You may think I am crapping but these are my heartfelt words. I will do my best at the carnival but it depends on whether I will be given the chance. However, this is a team game. If I'm the only one thinking like that, it's of no point. I need to get the team to think this way.
I am afraid that I will be affected by some obstacles in my way. Sometimes, I wonder why teenagers can be so dumb . . . It's like I just found out that one of my friend whom is a him, he lost his virginity. Well, life's just that, if you don't treasure it, you will only live to regret it. That said, maybe I should not make that comment because only the people who have gone through it and regretted it have that authority to say that it's a dumb thing to do.
Yesterday night, I sat in my room on the floor and listened to an mp3 player. As the music went through my head, thoughts began flowing. I wondered what I wanted in life once again. This time, I thought hard and I decided that I would join the next Punggol Superstar if there was one. I began singing my heart out because of what life was. After singing for half an hour, I thought that I was tired and maybe singing was not my passion? People looked and thought hard before they found the passion of their life. My dad found his. I have not. Though I do find some passion in netball.
Alright, i got to go .. . Take care people.

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